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Additional Data

CTAE in Georgia could not deliver for all students without the hard work and support of adults including teachers, counselors, business partners, and other community stakeholders.

  • In 2022-23, approximately 7,400 CTAE teachers and 4,000 school counselors delivered career-focused education to Georgia students.
  • In addition, over 13,000 employers participated in work-based learning and youth apprenticeship programs to support 27,594 placements.

One of the strengths of Georgia's CTAE program is its diversity. CTAE delivers for all students across various categories and subpopulations. Examples from the previous school years include:

  • Males and females participated in near equal numbers. Of all high school participants, 49% were female and 51% male. 
  • There were 69,871 students with disabilities participating in CTAE programs in grades 9-12, and 4,264 completed a CTAE pathway. (21-22 data)
  • There were 290,122 economically disadvantaged CTAE students in grades 9-12. 23,047 economically disadvantaged students completed a CTAE pathway. (21-22 data)
  • High school students from all races and ethnicities participate in CTAE. Specifically, 40.1% were white, 39% were black, 14.9% Hispanic, 2.9% Asian or Pacific Islander, 3% multiracial, and 0.2% American Indian/Alaskan. These numbers are similar to the state's overall K-12 student demographics. (20-21 data)

Georgia students have the opportunity to earn postsecondary education credit while still in high school through the dual enrollment program. Data from recent years shows:

  • 41,240 students participated in dual enrollment courses. (20-21 data)
  • 178,343 dual enrollment courses were completed including 144,489 academic courses and 33,865 CTAE dual enrollment courses. (20-21 data)

Note: These numbers are for CTAE students enrolled in grades 9-12.

Source: Georgia Department of Education

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