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Industry-Certified Programs

When a program becomes industry certified, it receives a "stamp of excellence," which represents the apex of program quality. Only those programs that have successfully undergone rigorous reviews by leaders from business and industry are recognized with this distinction.The Georgia Department of Education is committed to the industry certification process as a part of its effort to strengthen technical and academic standards for all CTAE programs.

Industry-certified programs not only offer outstanding opportunities to students who receive instruction through such programs, but they also offer positive benefits for schools as well as employers. Programs are typically certified for a period of five years. During that time, the school conducts an annual review to ensure that the program continues to meet certification criteria. At the end of the certification period, programs may apply for recertification.

Students Screen printing
Program Area Number of Certified Programs
Architectural Drawing & Design 11
Audio-Video Technology & Film 28
Automotive/Transportation 24
Business/Finance/IT 76
Construction 46
Culinary Arts 17
Early Childhood Care & Education 28
Engineering & Technology 26
Graphic Communications/Design 28
Health Science 68
Law & Public Safety 5
Marketing 60
Metalworking 16
Nutrition & Food Science 17


Industry certification standards are developed collaboratively by Georgia Department of education program specialists and the state-level business associations noted below. Input is also sought from CTAE instructors throughout the state.

The state-level business/industry associations which serve as co-sponsors of the industry certification process are as follows:

  • Georgia Farm Bureau
  • Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA)
  • American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF)
  • National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF)
  • Georgia Early Childhood Education Foundation
  • Graphic Arts Education Research Foundation (GAERF)
  • International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA)
  • New Media Education Foundation of Georgia
  • National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
  • American Marketing Association
  • Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • Hometown Health